"That's more a traditional dimension that comes from Led Zeppelin or Jimi Hendrix or Pink Floyd, growing up and listening to more classic bands," Duplantier explained, "And I think it's starting to come out and could come out naturally. "But we had that rock dimension," he added, bringing things back to the current. We were heavily influenced by bands like Death or Morbid Angel, Cannibal Corpse, really all bands from Florida, really. And we were really focused on that death metal vibe that we had at the beginning. Of that change in direction and evolution as a band, vocalist and guitarist Joe Duplantier told Full Metal Jackie, "When we started, we had that ambition to create something that is violent and dissonant and weird and was going to surprise you all the time. The band has notably strayed from the use of solos in their music and instead typically lean toward some lead guitar bits or tapping to emphasize a melody as needed, such as in "Silvera." One distinct element of "The Chant" that is quite new to Gojira is a bluesy guitar solo that comes in during the bridge. Slugging onward at a mid-tempo pace, the latest offering from Gojira is a primal, cleansing track mostly centered around one driving, hypnotic riff and a melodic, droning "Oh-oooh-oh-oh" chant that should sound positively thunderous when Gojira return to the road and thousands of fans lift their voices in unison.