Unofficial PAL/KOR Version Smash Stack PAL/KOR It works the same as Smash Stack but was created separately. has released a version of Smash Stack for 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズX (Japanese version of Super Smash Bros. Unofficial Japanese Version Smash Stack NTSC-J Additionally, because of the custom SD loading code, this exploit was the first exploit to work on Korean Wii's, which had a different SD key for standard saves. Since the exploit is loaded from SD, it completely bypasses the System Menu, making it difficult for Nintendo to patch, which explains why it still works on Wiimode on the Wii U.

Brawl's stage loader loads from the SD card and not from a save file on the Wii itself. Twilight Hack and Indiana Pwns exploit the save files of their respective games to execute a stack smash and load custom code. It is different from the Twilight Hack and Indiana Pwns exploits in the way it is loaded. Smash Stack works by exploiting the way Super Smash Bros.
Note: An SDHC card will not work with Super Smash Brothers Brawl.